Wednesday, February 12, 2014

If you're suffering a chewed up lawn thanks to the European Chaffer Beetle? We have the answer... Nematodes!

If you're like most lower mainland residents, there is at least someone on the block that has a lawn looking like this:

Image via
The European Chafer Beetle is an introduced species, although it has few natural predators in Canada, it makes a great meal for  the crows, starlings, raccoons and skunks that are chewing up your lawn!!

Chafer Beetle larvae feed on the fibrous roots of turf grasses and are hatched from late July - mid August.  They continue eating their way through your lawn until the ground freezes and they descend below the frost line for a few months. Emerging again in April - mid May, they feast for another few weeks before undergoing metamorphosis, and becoming mature adults. Consequently grasses are left without roots to anchor them into the soil and are easily ripped up by hungry birds and animals.
The following is a Chafer larvae:
Image via

What can you do?
Biological Pest Control is the best answer -- invisible to the human eye but always working hard,  Nematodes are a safe and effective solution to the European Chafer Beetle.
Nematodes enter through the opening of the grub and release a symbiotic bacteria that kills the pest, they are living organisms and need proper handling and application for full benefits to be achieved.
Contact Swick's to book now for summer Nematode applications!